How to Double AdWords Conversion Rates and Business
Learn why you’re pursuing conversion rate optimization incorrectly if it is not bringing you extra business!
Your AdWords campaign may be driven by a goal to generate leads, retarget to past site visitors, or to sell eCommerce products; in every scenario, you most likely have a competitor in paid search. Don’t be intimidated if they have a bigger AdWords budget than you. You need a digital marketing service provider that knows how to drive new business not just clicks or traffic. It is not about how much you spend, it is about increasing revenue. Consider this key aspect: You can win more sales even on a moderately sized budget if your advertising can switch to a new mindset.
Keep in mind, you need a fast loading site. All landing pages should test for excellent PageSpeed by using Web Core Vitals metrics.
If AdWords isn’t a current part or is a weak part of your advertising strategy, by increasing the number of new leads that come off the Internet with a profit-driven advertising approach, your opportunities to reach more customers through paid search are enormous.
You Must Know Your Niche and Competition to win in AdWords
Understanding the average AdWords conversion rate for your industry requires being both analytical and astute in your conversion rate optimization (CRO) once you know your competition. The information is vital in order to optimize your AdWords campaigns. AdWords is an auction-based form of advertising that rewards business that is positioned to beat their completion. Only by knowing how you stack up next to others in the same industry, will you be aware of how to drive down your costs and increase your ROI. For example, doubling your conversion rate from 1.8% to converting at 3.6% is a significant accomplishment. But it won’t achieve much if your competitor’s average is 5%.
Larry Kim stated in a March 15, 2016 Search Engine Land article, that “The range on conversion rates varies so greatly that the top 10% of advertisers are regularly getting conversions FIVE TIMES better than average. Not only can you be better than average, but once you surpass that plateau, you can do incredibly well in AdWords.”
From month to month, your AdWords spend has to bring in profit margins that make sense given your cost per acquisition. That varies by company and can only be determined when costs are conclusive, current, you know what you can afford to spend, and it gives you room to compete. If you are just starting out, it is challenging to grasp what all is involved in CRO. If your only metric is doubling your conversion rate, you may achieve that end goal and still lose money, which might leave you thinking AdWords just doesn’t work for you.
Goals AdWords Account Managers Must Achieve for a Successful AdWords Campaign
1.Increase your rate conversions
2. Reduce your CPC (cost per conversion)
Take Advantage of New Ways to Market to Mobile Shoppers
On Monday, May 16, 2016, it was announced that mobile’s share of online retail purchases continues to expand with stats that 34% of online retail purchases in the US happen on mobile devices. It extends beyond the purchases themselves. Afterward, you can follow up with them and keep them as long-term clients by being present in their ‘I-need-some-insights,’ ‘which-one’s-best-for-,e?’ and ‘I-want-to-buy-it-today’ micro-moments that transpire on Google and lead to those purchases. Did you know that shopping searches on Google increased by 30% in the last year?
The AdWords interface is being redesigned to make it easier for business to be present and helpful with what shopper’s want during these mobile moments. Everyone is becoming keener in recognizing that mobile is advertising’s future, but it’s challenging to know how much to put into it. Every industry is different when coming up with a phased in mobile marketing investment strategy that meets your needs.
These two goals are an AdWords Campaign Managers’ primary objective in order to optimally double your AdWords conversion rate. After they are both achieved, your increased revenue can be reinvested with a profit-driven marketing approach to AdWords. To avoid wasting your time and money on AdWords, pay attention to the factors that determine long-term success.
Because many businesses may lack the experience and don’t give enough time to make their AdWords campaigns pay off, you may hear stories that raise skepticism about using AdWords. You are right to be cautious about the prospect of losing money, but you need not lose out of seeing if paid search works to make your money. In fact: Based on the major marketing key performance indicators (KPIs), AdWords still comes in ahead of other forms of advertising and generates the highest ROI.
To make PPC advertising bring in more money than you spend, you have to truly understand this method of advertising before investing any significant amount of money in it. Whenever you are investing high levels of time or money in any marketing endeavor, you need to study, dissect, and analyze it – or hire someone who already has proved AdWords advertising experience.
Within the Google paid Search network, one industry (finance) is killing their conversion rates it to the extent it general is nearly three times higher than the average CVR transversely searched as a whole. See the report released on February 29, 2016 by Search Engine Land on industry AdWords benchmarks.
10 Tips to Help you Double your AdWords Conversion Rates
TIP 1: Increase Your Ads for Mobile Visibility
TIP 2: “Nit Pick” your Ad Quality
TIP 3: Let Visitors Know You Understand What they Want
TIP 4: Test Multiple Ads for Each Keyword
TIP 5: Create Killer Landing Pages
TIP 6: Use Countdown Timers to Motive Hesitant Buyers
TIP 7: Use Ad Targeting
TIP 8: Make Contact Information Prevalent
TIP 9: Stay Current on Google Algorithm Changes
TIP 10: Know your Visitors Journey from Awareness to Purchase
Read more technical optimization tips to improve AdWords performance.
Don’t settle for just higher traffic. The insights below will help you gain new business from your AdWords Campaigns.
TIP 1: Increase Your Ads for Mobile Visibility
It is vital in 2016 to have separate ads for mobile and desktop if you are a local business. Both earned search and paid search volumes on mobile are quickly increasing. Marketers that are clued into their niche consumer behavior are gaining higher AdWords conversion rate by directing their ad dollars to mobile viewers.
Google made an announcement on March 16 that swept quickly across the paid advertising industry. “Last year, we started using mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal on mobile searches. Today we’re announcing that beginning in May, we’ll start rolling out an update to mobile search results that increases the effect of the ranking signal to help our users find even more pages that are relevant and mobile-friendly.”
We are already seeing the strong uptick in search exposure and conversions off of mobile browsers. For websites that are already mobile-friendly, and Ad campaigns that already take advantage of added mobile reach – you are well positioned. Who knows, you may well gain increased conversion rates from mobile searchers after May when mobile ranking signals become more central to search.
TIP 2: “Nit Pick” your Ad Quality 
How to examine every aspect of your ad:
* Is your capitalization correct? By capitalizing the first letter of every word, it may boost click-through rates, which leads to the chance to double your conversion rates.
* Is your spelling correct? Make sure your keyword can work their hardest for you. Misspellings could confuse reader and search engines.
* Are making the best use of Ad punctuation? Add an explanation point at the end of your second line.
* Did you write your URL in a manner that works best? The display URL has a significant role in your Ad’s effectiveness. It should have keywords that are tightly woven with your landing page. These landing pages will carry a higher trust factor if they include facts and FactCheck schema.
* Are you avoiding terms that could give your Ad only limited approval? Get approvals in advance if using trademark terms so your ad can reach as many in your target audience as possible.
* How does its layout look? Using numbers breaks up blocks of words/letters and helps your ads visually stand out.
* How will your text display on mobile? On mobile space is more limited; make sure your message is super concise. Include location and phone number.
Given the growing choices within AdWords, if you discover your own finesse with creative ad copy as well as master the technical side of it, it typically this leads to more success with ad conversions. Plan sufficient time to review and test your ad quality.
TIP 3: Let Visitors Know You Understand What they Want
\Anyone who clicks on your ad has a goal in mind. Get inside of their mindset to avoid putting out just another ad that says the same thing. As it is common for businesses to use dynamic keyword insertion and bid on related keywords, too many ads end up being the same.
To be noticed, keep a dedicated focus on what your customers and potential clientele are truly looking for. Your success depends on winning clicks and that happens when what people decide that it’s YOUR business that will best help them accomplish THEIR goal. You can benefit from many user insights gleaned from your Google Analytics reports. After locating the “Behaviors” tab, you can find data on acquisition and conversions to broaden your knowledge of what your prospects want. After locating the “Behaviors” tab, you can find data on acquisition and conversions to broaden your knowledge of what your prospects engage when they visit your site.
If there is one secret that will offer you the opportunity to double conversions from your digital AdWords campaign, it is to relate to the person who is buying.
How you follow-up after someone converts of your ad matters equally to how you did before they converted. To be safe, make the assumption that your AdWords competitors are savvy and on top of things enough to have an email nurturing program in place to drip value on their leads. Have your email communications in place beforehand and usse them to lead prospective buyers to your evergreen content.
TIP 4: Test Multiple Ads for Each Keyword
AdWords has a built-in efficient and reliable way to test your ads. By always using a minimum of two ads for every keyword, you are making your ads vie for the same keyword. By default AdWords gives priority to the higher-performing ad, meaning that it will be displayed more often. Give it a week or two before determining which of your ads to edit or delete if they are lower performing ad, so they don’t have a negative impact on your conversion level by diluting choices. Watch what ad copy is working best and test another version of it.
Google provides a lot of information for on how often people search for specific keyword phrases, many tools reveal how competitive the keywords are in AdWords, and then you need to assess how much it’ll cost to advertise on each keyword. This information helps decipher which keywords you want to use in each campaign. Add client reviews to boost your campaings.
While there are many pluses to a having a great CRM, marketers can quickly backtrack and assess which keywords in your AdWords account are losing money. By knowing your both your search volume per keyword and your competition’s percentage of conversions, you will be clearer on when to increase bids on the keywords and placements that are providing you high-quality conversions. Businesses often have both a sales and marketing team which share data to improve their revenue-generating process. In one data silo, you have marketing, which contains your paid search numbers, including cost data. In another, you have sales, which have customer data including revenue.
To optimize your AdWords conversion rates with rich data, you need to do more than focus on leads and cost per lead, you need an integrated view of your data to see customer preferences and revenue. Without it, your business may experience revenue attribution miscalculations, masking the true performance of each keyword, media channel, and touchpoint. Companies miss out on new client acquisition when their marketing and sales data is incoherent.
TIP 5: Create Killer Landing Pages
Your ad copy is what establishes your click-through rate. However, it’s your landing page that will directly influence your AdWords conversion rate. The composition of your landing page hugely impacts your campaign’s conversion rate. Tightly weave your campaign keywords with the content on your linked page.
Use keywords with a high commercial intent on your landing pages. Because AdWords focuses on eCommerce sales so well, almost ⅔ of clicks go to sponsored results when the search query indicated that the searcher is ready to buy.
You have to know your business goals and how to measure your progress in attaining and improving on them. Conversion rates vary much by industry. The medical niche is particularily key for having your Google Business Listing working in tandeum. When considering the value of a conversion, you should really only be measured against yourself. The cost of conversion should never be measured solely on amounts compared to another keyword. For example; the conversion cost of some keywords with the legal or financial niche has a ridiculously high CPC – but it is justified because the potential ROI of landing a client for that keyword is mammoth.
The copywriting of your landing page, ad copy, and ad extensions needs to focus on meeting user intent, which in turn should result in better conversion rates. Consider the purpose and usefulness of every page. How useful is a particular page anyway? Make it findable and useful for Google Ads mobile extensions by adding at least the most important schema markup types. Eliminate it if tests prove that it is only diluting your SEO and page rankings. Consider that if Google’s primary goal is to give relevant answers to its visitors; landing pages may or may not give answers. Do they only serve as a gateway to answers? Or, if your landing page has the right answer to certain search queries then there is a good reason to rank for those terms. Even more importantly, if you’re running AdWords traffic to the landing page then superior onsite optimization will help with relevancy and your AdWords quality score.
TIP 6: Use Countdown Timers to Motive Hesitant Buyers
When prospective buyers know that have to make a purchasing decision while the clock is ticking on their deal, they are more likely to decide one way or the other. This helps avoid the chance of someone pausing till a later time and then maybe forgetting altogether or being unsure of how to get back to your product offer. The notion of “losing out” is often the motivating factor behind pulling the buyers’ trigger and vacillating on a purchase. Use Google Ads extensions to reach buyers on mobile devices.
Johnathan Dane* of WordStream says that this “psychological force is called loss aversion and it can be a powerful way of boosting your AdWords click-through and conversion rates.”
And it is easy to add a simple countdown timer to your text ads because Google handily provides it. All that is needed is a bit of snippet placed inside your headline or description {=) to open up the popup window you need next. Select an end date and your ad will show a countdown timer.
TIP 7: Use Ad Targeting
Mobile searches are on the rise as the number of mobile users increases. Google is responding to this trend by favoring websites that use Accelerated Mobile Pages. What is means to AdWords advertisers is that mobile users can be typically reached better through location ad targeting.
People in different locations have unique needs, like residents in Florida who wear more beach apparel than individuals living in Minnesota. Therefore, they shop accordingly. If you’re an online retailer whose products are more ideal for college students, then you may want to target your ads to college towns.
Research your predictive data from your analytics to determine if geographic target might impact your conversion success level. Ad targeting based on ethnic groups, incomes, population age demographics, and lifestyle, for example, places your ads in front of the buyer who is more likely to convert. Metros with a high senior citizen population might not engage hot rod motorcycle ads as well as those with younger centric neighborhoods.
TIP 8: Make Contact Information Prevalent
Tweak your AdWords so that your ads can gain more visibility on mobile devices. When you’re selling online and dependent of digital conversions that occur, you not only need traffic to your store, you need the right people, you need sales. Make the best use possible of location and call extension. Mobile searchers are rewarded with the one-touch each of tapping your phone number to reach you. 93% of all individuals who used mobile to research go on to make a purchase. By listing your address in AdWords, you gain benefits that extend beyond the presence of your ad in search engine results pages (SERPs), savvy shoppers love the convenience of having business location and phone number at their fingertips.
Search Engines are all about confidence in the web content that they send users to. It is worth the time it takes to explore your Name, Address, and Phone information and make sure you’re NAP game is strong across all your marketing messages.
TIP 9: Stay Current with Google Algorithm Updates
You will want to know what gets your ads sorted through Google’s algorithm updates. An algorithm update can be potentially devastating if it impacts your landing page performance. If needed, quickly correct issues that trace to falling behind in current standards and aggressively move towards what is known as an algorithm recovery.
Because you want to be at the top of SERPs, it’s important to have a working knowledge of how Google’s algorithm system called Ad Rank works. Ad Rank is calculated using the Maximum Cost per Click, the number of clicks, bid, a complex Quality Score that measures of how relevant an ad, keyword and landing page are to an individuals’ search term. Additionally, algorithms consider the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats as well as a user’s search history.
Google introduced further AdWords upgrades to work in tandem with YouTube advertising to improve the mobile ad experience. In the post, Google’s states that over 50% of YouTube video views current are coming from users on mobile devices.
YouTube advertisers can now intelligently source data from Google accounts such as demographic information and past search data during strategy efforts to double AdWords conversion rate. By serving Ad messages to relevant audiences, digital advertisers can make use of the Customer Match feature to more effectively reach potential buyers on YouTube who are already in their customer database.
TIP 10: Know your Visitors Journey from Awareness to Purchase
By integrating your AdWords account with your Google Analytics, you gain a better perspective on how consumers are shopping on your website. The data will grant you an edge in your AdWords campaign CRO efforts. Once you understand just how a visitor reacts once on your site or shopping cart for the first time, you can better tweak your remarketing campaigns. It will also reveal whether or not a clear path to purchase for consumer even exists or how to improve on it.
Five general steps to a sales funnel or customer buying cycle are typical. It is pivotal to offer your customer communications that answer relevant questions at stage of the purchasing journey. Each search ad or display ad should contain elements that offer solutions that meet customer needs at each stage of the cycle. If your site visitors are already apprised of the products and solution you offer that match what they want, but still pause on buying, you want to know why. To increase your paid search conversion rates, you have to first get inside the mindset of your site visitors. Then make sure that your technical SEO is spotless so that small fixes don’t generate big errors.
Make use of search tools like SEOlium in your remarketing campaigns both to current buyers and those who visited your site but left without finalizing a purchase. Once you have a customer that’s already buying from you, they’re 50% more likely to buy again compared to new prospects on your website.
5 Steps of Typical Consumers Moving Through an AdWords Purchase Funnel
STEP 1: Awareness of who you are and what your business offers by clicking on an Ad or calling your direct
STEP 2: Discover who you are by reading more on your site or across the Internet about you.
STEP 3: Return to your website, sign-up for your newsletter, or follow you on social media
STEP 4: Indicate preferences by adding an item to a shopping cart (even if abandoned at the moment)
STEP 5: Pull the trigger on a purchase
Increased conversions from your AdWords campaign are generally more consistent with retargeting to previous site visitors. Consider being more aggressive, since the individuals you’re targeting have already shown an interest by previously visiting your website off your Ad. Be prepared to in advance and quickly follow-up with the next stage of your proven path to purchase communications.
Use Predictive Data to Improve your Google Ads Campaign
We strongly encourage you to make the most of your predictive data from past leads inside your Google account, so your marketing stays focused on getting more business not just clicks or traffic. When you optimize your account for conversions instead, you may find that it’s possible to cut your budget in half and still get the same amount of sales. Much is it is achieved through a secret is called ValueTrack parameters. That is a URL parameter string you can append to your final URLs within the tracking template field of each AdWords business account.
Each related landing page form needs to have the hidden fields (like GA_network, GA_device, etc.) added correctly to capture that info along with the form fields the viewer is filling out. Remember, correct JSON image syntax and data transparency matters to users across all forms of search. This helpful URL parameter string that was appended to your AdWords ads offers insights on which networks, devices, keyword phrases, ad copy, campaigns, etc. that your AdWords conversion came from and how much money that conversion can add to your bank account. By following these these tips, your paid digital marketing can reach more shoppers.

Working from the industrious location of Minneapolis, Minnesota, we offer the ease of both on-site and remote marketing services and the best search marketing reports that you can understand.
“Initially in context with the observation that so often a business will have a conversion rate of only 1 percent or less, and seek ways to drive more traffic, when from that position, it is almost always going to be far easier and more economically effective to double conversion rates than to double traffic.” – stated by Ammon Johns on Actation Now hosted by Zara Altair
“If you’re fortunate enough to get a conversion, then you must strongly consider the nurturing part as well. Because sometimes, there’s a big gap between getting a conversion and actually making money. – unbounce
Google Ads frequently updates and we believe it is critical to stay in the know. For example, in October 2020 and in the midst of our global pandemic, Google says, “Ads that potentially profit from a sensitive event with significant social, cultural, or political impact, such as civil emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, terrorism and related activities, conflict, and/or mass acts of violence” are not allowed per the rel=”noopener noreferrer”Google Ads Inappropriate content policy. Always first check for a quality digital marketing service provider.
We understand why Google AdWords can be overwhelming to marketers at first. But, with the sufficient knowledge, experience and planning, an effective AdWords campaign can truly boost your business profits.
Follow Hill Web Marketing’s blog to gain more advanced tips for running Google Ads. Learn more about our AdWords PPC Advertising Services