Artificial Intelligence Google SEO

Cloud Market and Artificial Intelligence Shape Search Trends

How the Google Cloud Market and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping Search Trends

Updated 8.3.2024

Gain knowledge as to what is happening in the cloud market; AI is shaping which marketing strategies are successful.

Technology is forging new views on search marketing and powerfully has a role in shaping search trends. Finding a clear path means having a fluid approach in place, knowing where to start, and by doing at least one thing really well. To succeed in competitive search in 2017, it helps to understand how artificial intelligence and technology are forging a new approach to search. Having limited funds and limited time means that a clear focus is vital to your search marketing success!

This article is meant to help you get the mindset you need for successful search campaigns in the 2020s. There is no “one thing” that offers a magic bullet to success. But one thing is clear – the need to focus on new business generation coming from organic search, sales leads, and/orhow to use AI and Knowledge Graphs to maximize your content reach. Old paths to get there must be updated and see how artificial intelligence and algorithms are vastly changing the world of search.

Google Cloud Offers Graph and Vector Search Features

Google Cloud’s Spanner database service is distributed SQL relational. It compartmentalized compute resources and data storage; this makes it easier to scale processing resources. Google’s platforms, such as YouTube and the search engine, also leverage it. The reason is the service works well with large volumes of data. This can assist with  optimizing content for AI Overview inclusion.

Andi Gutmans, General Manager and Vice President for Databases at Google, says that creating AI apps requires more knowledge about the data and its node interconnections. As well, companies “also need to make it easy for their users to search for the right data — not only via keyword search, but also by implementing AI-enabled semantic search.”

As of August, 2024, Spanner now works with full-text search and  Google vector search. Google Cloud’s release of Spanner Graph adds graph processing. Spanner Graph leverages the graph query language (GQL) standard and provides interoperability with SQL for  querying structured and connected data in a single operation. AI apps and the core models can be enhanced with these graphs using Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). This ensures data relevany is a part of the final output of the model.

“Google Cloud is the only major cloud provider offering both first-party AI models and third-party AI models on equal footing, which is an incredible differentiator when our partners speak with customers. Customers in various industries seeking Cloudsufi and Google Cloud’s AI solutions in 2024, including health-care, education and government customers.” – Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian

Organize Your Data With Google Cloud Market

Using the power of AI data, you can set up machine learning predictive models to provide a good user experience:

  • People like personalized search experiences, which requires sites to avoid fragmented data.
  • Your audience wants to know you understand and prioritize their needs, meaning sites should tailor their marketing efforts.
  1. Identify your high-value audiences.
  2. Optimize ROI per audience segment.
  3. Use BigQuery, Looker Studio, and Connected Sheets.
  4. Develop your marketing strategy to align with purchase intent, content consumption preferences, and lifetime value.

You can use Google Tools to innovate and combine AI insights together to deliver transformation at scale.

How AI Plays its Role to Shape Search Trends

To have a clear grasp of how search is changing and how the role of artificial intelligence is impacting billions of businesses, take a look at the shift from our pre-smartphone use that relied on having to text, and our current devices. Today, you can be anywhere with your mobile phone and use Google Keep to gain incredibly accurate voice dictation output. Before the world of ‘voice search,’ it was more about predictive text.

If you are seeking the Holy Grail right now for ranking better in 2017, Google may be weighting content depth as long-form content has increased in popularity. People who use search want solutions and real answers, which do not often come with thin content. Gaining an edge over your toughest competitors means knowing what it takes to meet searchers’ needs. Every word of that content needs to have value and be optimized correctly. Your Google Search Console Insights reveal what content people engage with.

The best of search marketing practices will continue to prove SEO’s huge potential to gain new clients for the foreseeable future. A sweeping revamp of digital marketing trends and strategies are altering what needs to be done to obtain the focus of user attention and favor of search engine giants. Remain adaptable to voice search and current on the best digital marketing ethics to be a recognized leader in your industry. We can help you stay ahead of the innovative curve. The White House also acknowledges how important Artificial Intelligence is to search trends.

SEOs Influencing Factors

Allotment of a marketing budget as a percentage of revenue must increase if a business hopes to accelerate business’ growth. From monetizing budget, optimizing a site better, to leveraging technology to determine next steps, being in the game is key. Creating fresh content for your business website needs to include a cohesive perspective of how your site visitors consume your content and their purchasing preferences. Prospective buyers don’t just want someone to listen to their words; they are more likely to complete a purchase from people who make them feel like their voice was heard.

That isn’t done overnight.

Having a great product and customer service alone doesn’t cut it. Often it is the business with the greatest investment in sales and marketing their site’s content wisely can benefit from skills using generative AI.

Search Trend Statistics According to Captoria:

  • 46% of companies spend less than 9% of overall revenue.
  • 24% of companies spend 9 to 13% of overall revenue.
  • 30% of companies spend greater than 13% of overall revenue.

More than ever, marketers are feeling the need to be more strategic in just how that spend is executed. Therefore, understanding updates in how GoogleBot determines ranking changes becomes increasingly important.

10 Key Factors Behind the Shift in the Cloud Market and Search

1. Prominence of the Mobile-First World

Whether businesses were ready or not to adjust to mobile marketing, the perspective and preferences of users certainly has. Going forward Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality are progressively obtainable to billions of buyers and searchers using mobile devices. This enormous adoption of smartphone devices means that both earned and paid search must conform to how potential consumers want to engage new businesses and make a purchase.

The pressure to have a fast loading site for mobile users who want in-the-moment answers will continue. For an example of how fast online search is changing consider the medical search movement. As insurance costs escalated, more individuals are relying on the web for basic health-related answers versus running into their doctor’s office as often.

In October Google talked more about its major change in its strategy in the smartphone market, as the search giant unveiled a ‘family of products’ — Pixel, Daydream, Home, and WiFi. This signals a move to into a new bucket of products which have both ‘hardware and software made by Google’.

We know that Pop-Up Ad Formats will be penalized in 2017. Google announced its plan to lower rankings of sites that have annoying pop-ups on smartphones by 2017. Digital publishers heavily engaging on these ads formats to keep their site traffic up, are forced to change by next year if they want to remain in good standing with the search giant.

The true lesson here is that marketers should embrace change by expanding their thinking into new ways to engage users across multiple channels and devices. Silo marketing efforts relying on the device of first-touch can refocus and find untapped potential in mobile. Where web traffic on retail sites is relatively equal between mobile and desktop users, mobile conversion rates are improving when multi-platform users become the focus.

2. Voice Search

More individuals are questioning if marketing is now more of a science than art given new highly sophisticated cognitive learning technologies that assume many tasks and are even doing them better than a human could. Voice search is at the forefront of AI. Voice search and speech recognition used by digital assistants may free up marketers to divert their time to tackling overarching responsibilities, such as finding ways to create the right voice and vision to make an emotional connection with consumers.

By laying the underpinnings for vastly more sophisticated one-to-one marketing, AI could even create a need for businesses to engage analytics, content and other areas that offer the chance to gain a competitive edge through customer-centric marketing.

Venture Beats says “our verbal linguistics often don’t match up with our written word. We’ve gotten used to typing major keywords into Google, but voice search works differently. It works by phrases.”

Today’s use of natural language in operative voice search is conversational. Voice search is increasing adapting to human speech recognition so that we can talk to digital assistants in a way resonates with how we talk in any everyday manner to each other. “Siri, tell me where the nearest gas station is” has much more of a conversational sense than just typing “fuel” into a search bar. And the result is not stagnant. Rather, it switches up how websites and businesses will intermingle with clients and alters best practices for search engine optimization.

3. Changes in Semantic Data Modeling

Web pages that previously centered around one particular keyword or keyword phrase have needed to change to being topic focused instead. When and where it’s worthwhile to continue to implement SEO strategies around the use of long tail keywords is in question. Each business site must listen to understand what long-tail keywords are, what they are compared to, and how their strategic implementation needs to evolve to help you create a strong affinity for your target audience.

Semantic data modeling will influence search for a long time to come – however the form that takes is evolving and will continue to reshape and influence SEO. Using advancing semantic technologies, businesses can understand and leverage their big data in new ways to automate knowledge discovery and gain clout online. The search giant states***** that “our work spans the range of traditional Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, with general-purpose syntax and semantic algorithms underpinning more specialized systems.

”Regardless of the technological advances that occur, there will at a very minimum continue to be a need for people who are able to understand business needs for data and can model and define that data accordingly, even if it’s done solely at the conceptual or semantic level. Data and semantic modeling require specific skill sets, and not everyone is able to deal with the level of abstraction required for modeling,” states Pete Stiglich of Clarity Solution Group**.

Business success depends much on your online reputation and it can be improved and then preserved through the creation of content that fits new semantic search criteria. That means that future blog posts, news articles written by or about you, video content, apps, etc., should be planned in such a way that you don’t count on rank highly on Google just because of keywords, but because of its real value added impact and relevance to searches involving your brand.

4. RankBrainHow artificial intelligence connects search queries to user intent

The acceleration of improvements in search is much attributed to the role of artificial intelligence, powered by fast-paced machine learning algorithm updates. Rankbrain is Google’s primary algorithm in Google’s search technology that is reshaping the approach webmasters engage to win more visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) and to win new customers. By laying the underpinnings for vastly more sophisticated one-to-one marketing, AI could even create a need for businesses to engage analytics, content, and other areas that offer the chance to gain a competitive edge through customer-centric marketing.

When it comes to effectively optimizing your content to provide value to viewers and RankBrain, how certain terms are used when covering everything from product information, images, video content, facts and stats that support your premise, – all matter.

It is fascinating how artificial intelligence connects search queries to user intent. RankBrain essentially evaluates a query by a query interpretation model that’s tough to optimize for. It’s going to evaluate the words in that query and the intent behind it. It’s potentially considering factors like location or personalization when interpreting these queries. Ranking signals are then applied to the results deemed appropriate to that specific query.

5. Changes in Use of Structured Data

Google recently added sweeping changes to its structured data documentation for the article data type. How they are added to an AMP page is now different than a standard HTML page. Correct structured data implementation is key to visibility in new features of the Google Knowledge Graph and rich snippets. Even when a site has gained rich snippets, John Mueller of Google indicates that that doesn’t mean all Google quality algorithms think your site is quality. There are over 200 factors that go into being attributed to a site of high quality.

New carousel searches are showing up in higher numbers. Google explains that “Host-specific lists display cards from a single site within a specific category. This markup uses a combination of ItemList markup and individual data type markup to enable a carousel of lists to appear in Search”. Google is improving by leaps and bounds just how its comprehension of Structured Data Islands that are embedded in Web Pages leverage markup from the vocabulary. Everything also is now more deeply integrated with your Google Business Listing.

Google has only so much space in search results to display rich snippets. Their algorithms must decide in a fraction of a second which limited set of websites and pages they award this visibility to. The result is that a competitive site may be seen as having the more relevant answer to the search query and thus wins the rich card snippets. This means that your site somebody else who previously had them now loses them.

6. Faster, Better, Richer DevOps

For businesses relying on apps to discover new customers wherever they are, it takes real skill to keep up with the comprehensive set of development and testing tools that empower your business to deliver at cloud speed. Cloud development is already here while gaining a burgeoning presence in the future. The opportunities to use an app more strategically in AdWords marketing awards websites that work well on mobile devices.

Integrated technology is typically about adding convenience and improving people’s quality of life. Automating routine SEO and development tasks is just practical sense. Automation is also a core component of DevOps. The current evolution for automation is for machine learning and artificial intelligence to enable tasks to be automated because time simply makes them impractical to do. SEO is only as effective as it is correct. The use of advancing AI means that errors will be identified faster than before; Fix all technical issues, including resolving anymarkup syntax issues.

7. The Power of Knowledge Graph Management

Businesses, in general, find that they can no longer afford to pass on paying attention to their Google Knowledge Grpah. Often, it means revamping their approach to digital marketing and SEO and using AI tools to make better sense of it. This will be even more important in your overall approach to search marketing in the 2020’s. The enormity of change in how AI and the cloud market can drive traffic to a site is staggering and is nothing less than extraordinary. To see sufficient revenue in return for marketing dollar spends, marketers must adapt their approach. The future of search marketing involves a focus on quality messages and responses to users across all your communication channels.

The popularity of video consumption growth lends to increased use of Google’s YouTube marketing channel. It can quench viewers’ thirst for much-updated content and marketers’ need for very ad-friendly platforms.

The new Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) places more emphasis than ever on a combined web presence and E-E-A-T; meaning that you should also keep your socila profiles fully updated, professional, and using the latest features.

New Cloud Machine Learning Groups are emerging, which in itself proves how AI is not only reshaping the technology that Google uses, but also changing how the business must organize and run digital operations. This rapid re-orientation is found in Facebook and Twitter, who have also appointed internal groups akin to Google Brain, the team responsible for permeating the search giant’s own tech with AI.

8. Spammy Backlink Detection

A site’s backlink profile is more quickly and correctly assessed by recent algorithm changes. How backlinks are accrued plays into search rankings. Inbound links from aged domains are more powerful than links obtained from the newer sites that have yet to be tried, tested, and become trusted. The number of referring domains remains a crucial factor in Google algorithms. Links that are separated from class-c IP addresses indicates when a broader breadth of domains is linking to your business.

White hat SEOs are excited to see these AI changes roll out for more applications such as backlink analysis and better spam detection. Additionally, linking web pages can bolster search engine rankings, even when from the same external domain as well as from your own internal pages. The anchor text you choose in your linking profile matters more than it did before and should move more in the direction of how people converse.

8. Google is Getting Fussier About Sites Techincal SEO

There may seem to be more rules regarding how a site’s coding is done, how well a site’s hierarchy is executed, where and how many JavaScript files are loaded from, how structured data is used for AMP, and many more technical details. This has meant that more sites are aware of both their need of and benefits from conducting a technical site audit.

9. Expansion of Domain Options

The influence of a domain extension has yet to be determined. We do know that Google is VERY savvy and your domain history decides whether you are “good” or “bad” as far as trust goes. Quality content is more important. Google stands by the site with good content and repute. Matt Cutts, a Google engineer claims that the Google algorithm domain age is an insignificant factor. While no search engine has confirmed that they go by the length of domain registration as a factor in scoring, using a head search term when establishing a new domain or subdomain is still important.

When it comes to the “I, the We and It” domains, significant change is happening to the ‘it domain’. “The domain of technology stretches further ahead, we either connect become a different creature, connecting with information and working/living in a new way, or we don’t. As we see more Artificial Intelligence truly wake up we will see new potential and new challenges,” says The Coaching Room.

NLP investigation at Google pays attention to algorithms that apply at scale, across languages, and across domains. This influences user experience in Google search, mobile, apps, paid ads, Google Translate, and more.

Concerning domains, Matt Cutts has been quoted multiplied times for saying, “Small upcoming Google algo change will reduce low-quality exact match domains in search results.”

10. Rise in User Conceptual Search and Identities

Previously, marketers focused on audience targeting with paid search ads based solely on the keywords that matched up with landing pages. SEO has moved to a stronger focus on what users want and their identities. With more data and tools available to better identify and target specific audiences, marketers should take advantage of what is available now and plan ahead in anticipation of increasing changes.

The most effective way to do this is to restructure SEO campaigns around user conceptual search and the different stages of the consume behavior journey that audiences exist in. At every stage in the consumer journey, tailor your copy, landing page experiences, and strategies to be about the different behaviors of each audience – rather than just keywords. This is the foundation to an improved understanding of your audiences and will prepare your marketing strategy for additional developments in audience targeting.

Both the Cloud Market and AI use Concept Search: “A concept search (or conceptual search) is an automated information retrieval method that is used to search electronically stored unstructured text (for example, digital archives, email, scientific literature, etc.) for information that is conceptually similar to the information provided in a search query. In other words, the ideas expressed in the data information retrieved in response to a concept search query are relevant to the ideas contained in the text of the query.

A range of systems based on Artificial Intelligence and NLP now apply to semantic processing, and most of them depend on the use of auxiliary structures such as controlled vocabularies and ontologies.

What this Means to The Future of Search Marketing

Users love being engaged with the latest devices and forms of obtaining answers which propel technology advancements to the point that changes are coming at a dizzying clip for SEOs. The way marketers and SEO’ers manage search engine optimization (SEO) is evolving faster than we have ever experienced. New Top Stories carousels are showing up more often and new features continually emerge within Knowlege graphs and rich cards.

Whether or not individuals and businesses are familiar with the term the “Machine Learning Age”, they are much reshaped by it. It is “a period that will prove as transformative for businesses and individuals as the Internet has been over the last 20 years. When it comes to search the buzzwords that make marketers’ spines shiver are “semantic search” and “Rankbrain”, says David Amberland****.

This means that search marketers must rapidly update their organic SEO strategies and integration of PPC advertising while testing user engagement and keeping a scalable, on-demand infrastructure to comply with needs for a competitive edge. Google is also switching up the way search results visually appear, especially search results for famous people or national news. The newer formats may be found more often in the AMP News Carousel, knowledge graphs, and later versions of automatically animated GIFs in your Google image search results.

An ability to understand the drastic conceptual change that has occurred in search because of these influencing factors is vital to business revenue. SEO and SEM were much simpler in the past, relying on fresh website content, less complex link-building strategies, on-page optimization, and easier wins in AdWords campaigns. That is not to say that it was easy but that it was “easier”. Now a more carefully crafted marketing plan will avoid attributing budgets, time, and staff priorities to old and less effective methods of search marketing.

Artificial intelligence plays a role in search that reduces the mastery of black hat SEO techniques that previously successfully gamed the system – at least till caught. Now, new devices and user preferences have transformed our multi-dimensional universe of search ranking signals. While search and the need for SEO still exist, it demands a revamped approach to using search for success in online marketing.

Why the Human Touch is Central to Search and Artificial Intelligence Advancments

Despite such massive technology development and robots responding to voice-generated search queries, marketers who focus on natural language and the human element in the search process, are rewarding for focusing on the user experience. Only careful selections of automation tasks that utilize the best of big data technology avoid a canned user experience; rather, you can win new clicks and customers. While digital tools and advanced technologies will never fully replace the personal side of customer relationship building, they are necessary for identifying the right messages and what it takes to have an adeptness to stay on top of search trends going forward. For example, new rich-featured snippets are showing up in the Google local pack; you want to be there!

All of this requires a solid Google Analytics setup to help scrutinize the impact of a business’s content and brand messaging for on-going relationship building with current clients and future potential buyers. Business branding, digital marketing, and search engine optimization techniques must adapt to allow each of the above search influencers to work and enhance overall efforts. Know what tone and voice to use that adds clarity to your business identity and brand reach.

Businesses now depend on a complex integration of online and offline marketing efforts to create efficiencies in marketing scale while maintaining site quality and new content to consistently grow customer trust and loyalty. Be sure that you understand your SEO reports and can celebrate your progress. You should be able to see value from your efforts.

Salesforce offers a handy infographic to Get to Know AI for Business: Natural Language ProcessingGet to Know AI for Business: Natural Language Processing that we recommend.

” Siri, Cortana, Alexa, and all of their friends are setting the stage for search that’s completely different from what we’re used to. Understanding how those changes are going to affect the way that we search is key to finding success on the web of the future.” – Venture Beat

”The need for digital marketers to quickly grab their audiences’ attention through visual search, social media channels, viral marketing, and organic ads will take growth hacking to an even bigger level.” –***

Businesses Benefit from Google’s AI integration into cloud Computing

Google’s AI integration into cloud computing enpowers additional flexibility, agile methodologies, personalized marketing, and secure systems. It enables organizations to scale content marketing more efficiently and cost-effectively with robust AI solutions. Current market dynamics shed light on the benefits businesses gain from embracing AI-driven cloud systems.

If you follow even some of the insights of changes in search from the things jotted above, then the benefits will be tremendously satisfying and your site rankings should definitely improve. Never go for temporary SEO link schemes or untested search marketing theories for genuine improvements in customer engagement.

Whether this year turns out to be a boom a bust year form your business, having clear business goals, a reasonable marketing budget, and a tactical plan to achieve search marketing success can make it be a banner year!

Conclusion: Embrace Cloud Market AI Functionality

Call for a detailed approach to marketing that incorporates your unique set of influencing factors.

Digital marketers and cloud providers find they need to adjust to Google upgraded search-related requires and search news on a daily basis. To secure success in Google search, use multiple types of website audit and stay current with newsletters about search trends for a cloud market business.

To enlist help implementing structured data markup that powers these features, call 651-206-2410 and request a free consultation with Jeannie Hill for a Content Marketing Strategy that Embraces AI






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